We want to keep our home and businesses safe from airborne germs like viruses, bacteria, algae and fungus. Your HVAC system doesn’t just circulate air, it circulates these contaminants as well.
Everytime we sneeze, cough or even breathe we’re putting millions of droplets into the air. As those droplets are pulled into our heating and cooling systems they are distributed throughout our home and everyone comes in contact with those germs. The high levels of humidity inside your HVAC system create the ideal breeding ground for all these viruses, bacteria, and fungi creating a biofilm that attaches to your evaporator coil. These infectious airborne pathogens cause respitory illness and disease. With a premier Lumalier UVC light, air passes into the duct system and onto the central air purifier's UV field. Oxidization of contaminants occurs rendering them harmless. At the same time gases and odors are neutralized. The central air system's fan blows the pure air back into the affected area. This is a much more effective approach than filtration methods, which produce various results.
How Does UV Clean the Air?
What Can Germicidal UV destroy?
Germicidal UV effectively destroys 99.9% of all viruses, bacteria & mold. Here is a partial list of pathogens neutralized by germicidal UV and some of the diseases they cause:
The sun creates ultraviolet light including a wavelength called UVC that penetrates the cellular structure of viruses and germs destroying the ability of the DNA to replicate itself and making it no longer harmful. AT UNeedUV we install a premier Lumalier UVC unit in your HVAC system. Not only does it destroy the replicating ability of all of the contaminants in your system it keeps your system clean including the coil and keeps it working at optimum capacity. A High Quality UVC light cleans your unit as safely as the sun. Everytime your air circulates it is being cleaned by UVC.
Why Does Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Matter?
People are increasingly concerned about toxic pathogens and chemicals found in homes. In fact, the EPA studies show that levels of air pollution inside the home are often two to five times higher than outdoor levels. Poor Indoor air quality (IAQ) is associated with a host of health problems including eye irritation, headaches, allergies and respiratory problems such as asthma.
At UNeedUV, we can emply a variety of modern practices and technologies to decrease the risk of poor indoor air quality with careful selection and installation of moisture control systems, heating, cooling, ventilation (HVAC) equipment, and building materials. Read more about IAQ at http://www.epa.gov/iaq/
If you’ve never had your HVAC system cleaned and you’re concerned about airborne pathogens we can schedule your cleaning now and install a Premier Lumalier UVC unit to keep it clean everyday.
For more information ask your tech at UNeedUV or check out our website now.